Garbage Collection Service After Hurricane Irma

InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" Solid Waste Division - Public Works Department - Lake County Florida Government InstanceEndEditable InstanceBeginEditable name="code" InstanceEndEditable InstanceBeginEditable name="head" InstanceEndEditable
StartFragmentGarbage Collection is anticipated to be picked up one day later the week of September 11, 2017. Monday’s collection should be picked up Tuesday, Tuesday on Wednesday, etc. Service may be sporadic due to blocked roads, power lines down, and the volume of garbage out for collection. EndFragment
Storm Debris
A debris company is assessing the situation. We anticipate they will begin collection late this week. It may take several weeks for the collection to be completed. Please keep trees and branches separate from fencing and other items.
Bulk (Large) Items
THE CENTRAL LANDFILL will be open 7am – 7pm Mon-Sat until further notice. DROP OFF CENTERS will be OPEN FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS as normal, please call for additional hours.