Neighborhood Committees

Karin Pierson
Neighborhood Crime Watch

Robin Routt
Myrtle Webb

Social Events

The mission of the Social Committee is to encourage and support the development of a spirit of neighborliness and caring amoung residents. In order to carry this out, the committee will facilitate activiates in different seasons. All residents of all ages are encourage to join in the fellowship.

Social Media Outlets
The Park Google groups is a method of communication for Community alerts and updates. Our hope is that every home that has an email address will join the group. Any home owner who wishes to join can be added to the group by clicking on the above icon. No home owner will be removed from the list unless they unsubscribe themselves.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

This is a group of resdidence in the Park that reaches out to individuals and families with needs that come up unexpectedly and require either immediate or short term help. If you have a need or know someone who has, such as an illness, a death in the family or a medical need for which transportation or assistance is needed please see the Table of Contents in the resident directory for contact information.