Water Billing Service Change - Important Message for all Residents

To all residents:
As of February 18th, 2020, the water meter reading and billing service for our community is being performed by RCM Utilities. Their office address is: 100 W. Mills Ave., Eustis, FL 32726.
New payment address for water bills:
Park at Wolf Branch Oaks
PO Box 217
Eustis, FL 32727
IMPORTANT! If you use your bank’s bill-pay, please update it with the new payment address. Payments sent to the old payment address may not be delivered timely and could result in late payment fees.
The new phone number for water-related customer service issues is: 352-261-2990. Please add this phone number to the contacts in your phone as it will also be used for automated calls for water service outages, boil-water notices, and water billing notices. (Note: T-Mobile and Metro PCS customers may not be able to call this number due to technical issues.) You may also contact RCM by email: billing@rcmutilities.com
The base rate for water is also increasing by $1.50 per month (from $4.50 to $6.00.)
Residents will continue to have the same options to pay water bills. In addition, RCM Utilities offers an online bill pay service which also accepts credit card payments. Please see their notice included with this letter for more information.
The reason for this change is that our previous water billing service company, Utility Technicians, was recently sold and the new owner informed us they would no longer offer water billing services. The HOA Board and Water Committee researched alternate billing service companies and were pleased to find RCM Utilities, a local company. They are highly recommended by General Utilities, our long-time licensed water system operator, as well as local communities we contacted for whom RCM performs water billing services.
Please visit the community website: parkatwolfbranchoaks.com for up-to-date information, or to contact us with questions.
Park at Wolf Branch Oaks Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors
Looking for additional information from RCM Utilities, please click here.